Paediatrician - Dr. Selvarani Moses
Consultant Paediatrician
Dr Moses is a consultant Paediatrician with more than 20 years of experience with a keen interest in both behavioural and acute general paediatrics, tertiary neonatal care as well as neonatal care in the community.
Selvi has a strong work history in paediatric medicine having held positions at Peninsula Health, Monash Children’s Hospital, Royal Children’s Hospital, Neonatal Unit at Mercy Hospital for Women, Eastern Health and Latrobe Regional Health.
Selvi is passionate about holistic care, building strong relationships with both patients and families supporting them to understand their child’s condition with clear communication.
Special Interests:
Neonatal issues including, feeding sleeping disorders and complicated preterm
Congenital anomalies and paediatric congenital heart diseases
Gastrointestinal issues such as colic and reflux
Developmental, cognitive, behavioural conditions and learning difficulties
Incontinence, bed-wetting and constipation
Neurological conditions, headaches
Asthma and other respiratory conditions
Allergies and Skin Conditions
Infectious diseases
Sleep difficulties
Newborn and 6 week baby checks
Availability: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday